Sunday, May 15, 2016

My Spectacular Three Reasons

After reading the book and watching the movie The Giver in my opinion I think that the movie is kind of.. how do I say it...WAY better than the book! No offense to people that like the book better. My first reason that I think that the movie is better than the book is because of Fiona. Fiona did way more things in the movie than in the book. I really liked how they made Fiona and Jonas get together cause it puts kind of a more drama and nervousness in the movie. Also people who watched the Giver movie probably would have never suspected that there would be any type of romance involved in it and I think that romance lightens up the movie more and gives them a more visual of love and shows it more. In the movie Jonas and Fiona have more than just a friend relationship between them they have involved love and true feelings with each other in the book we only see true feelings that Jonas feel. Also with Fiona in the movie there is more action like when on the plates and sliding down the huge ill and helping Jonas escape. That involves way more action and suspense on what's gonna happen next.

My second reason why it is because we get a better visual. When I was reading the book I tried to kind of imagine what all the characters looked like but I couldn't really see it. In the movie I have a better visual of what everyone looked like and what Jonas saw in Fiona like the colors he was seeing. It let me also have a better visual of what he was thing at the same time and understanding if I was in that situation what it would be like too. Also I think just being able to see the actual visual gives me a better understanding of the story and gives me what the community actually looks like and the book ca only tell you what it looks like and you have to imagine it while the movie you can actually see what the things they were talking about are and get a better visual on those things. However some people see better when they imagine it so it could be different for most people than how I see it.

My final reason why I think the movie is better than then the book is because how much more action there is  in the movie then in the book. The book progresses very slowly and I'm not a huge fan of slow I like things that are kind of a faster pace like the movie. Since in the movie they explained things quicker there was way more action, like Fiona running away from the guys, Jonas getting dropped in the water, learning about the piano and Jonas punching Asher like who knew he would do that?!? I was really surprised that he did that and that just made me want to keep on watching the movie over and over! In the book there is action but just not as much as there could have been. Also I love action which is definitely a reason why the movie is WAY better than the book. With all that action came suspension. I always wanted to know what would happen next after every part in the movie, then not as much in the book. Also one last reason is because of the cliffhanger at the end of the book. I didn't really like that at the end I like how the movie was able to show the end of what happened and when he passed the Boundary of Memory that everyone regained their memory of the world it left me with a happy feeling and the book what a mad feeling of NO What's Gonna Happen Next?!? Those my fellow friends are my spectacular three reasons why the movie is better than the book.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Compared Worlds

Reading the Landscape of Memory made me realize what we have, we are so lucky to have compared to Jonas worlds. We have variety's of jobs that we love to do. Some aren't even jobs they are sports that we love to play or just a passion we have. However in Jonas world they are selected a job for them they don't pick it themselves. I kind of wonder what would I do and be if I was in the same world as Jonas and the Giver.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Diffrences Aren't Loud

In The Pedestrian there was a man who was walking in sneakers while everyone else was inside their dark house and the streets were almost filled grass in the cracks cause no one had used them for a while. A police car came to the man and asked him questions like why is he out there and walking. The man doesn't have a wife or a TV and the police asks hi to get in the car, surprisingly no one was in the car but now he was the only one. I think that if we weren't aloud to walk outside and we just got arrested and if i was him I think I would have just ran cause there is no one in there right. Why was he the only one who was different from the others, not anyone one else even just 1 person?

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Ending of the Simple Life

It was getting harder for Jonas, Gabe was weakening and it was getting colder. The memories that he once had were to the last bits of them and Jonas didn't want them to leave. However he wanted to give Gabe warmth and to keep him still a little strong. When Jonas finally made it to the top of the hill he relived his first memory ever. I'm just super proud of Jonas and that he was able to keep going but i'm so sad that the book is over.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Working for the past

Jonas father told Jonas that the night that he was with the Giver that Gabe went to the Nurturing Center, and that Gabe would not stop crying. He also said that they took a vote and he voted in as well that Gabe should be released Jonas was shocked. The next day, the day where they started the plan Jonas took Gabe with him and started the journey. I think that I would have been screaming if my father told me the thing about Gabe, I mean Jonas held it it but I think I would have lost it. How long would it take to get to the barrier?

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Sneaky Plans

The Giver and Jonas decided it was finally time to make a plan to Elsewhere. Jonas has complete confidence that The Giver and Jonas will be able to fulfill this plan. Then Jonas talks again how he wants the Giver to come with him and The Giver says he can't...he wants to be with his daughter..Rosemary. I think that the last part of chapter 20 just left me in shock like I would have never figured that out. What will Jonas say to that?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Jonas asked The Giver to tell him about the last failure that had happened. The Giver said that it was the same thing as his, the ceremony the first day. Until after she had wanted to see everything like Jonas did and when he showed her the memory of loneliness it had changed. The Giver could tell that in her eyes she couldn't handle it though she said she wanted more and to take the responsibility. One day she couldn't take it anymore and disappeared into elsewhere and never came back. I think that for the last failure he should have done like the littlest painful memories not one of losing a child I couldn't even take that.

Breaking the Rules

Jonas had finally felt the feeling love. It was wonderful to him. He went home and asked his parents if they loved him. Unfortunately he didn't get the answer he wanted to have. That night he told his first lie, told Gabe about love and the next day didn't take his pill. I think the world would be horrible without love, love is what brings us together in life how do we survive without it?

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Releasing the memories

Jonas has started to been given memory of pain not horrible ones but ones that leave you in pain for a while. For one night he was given the job to watch over Gabriel at night and put him back to sleep when he wakes up and that might when he woke up he accidentally gave him some of the lake memory and when he woke up again he gave him the last of it. The next day the Giver was in pain he had a painful memory and Jonas wanted to help so he let the Giver give him the memory and he finally experienced warfare. I think if the Giver was in pain too I would have helped him as well. I would die at the part where the horses are dying though just everyone in general dying. What will happen next to Jonas after the memory?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Jonas has been thinking why would they get rid of beautiful color? Why are we not aloud to teach this to everyone. But he knew that being able to see that and pick your own jobs would cause a change and it could become very risky and dangerous. I think that is it kinda unfair they would take that away but I get that its for safety. What will happen when Jonas sees something like war or really bad will he end up like the last receiver?

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Beginning of Color

Jonas has received some amazing and one a little bit hurtful memory. He got the memory of Sunshine and Snow and what it's like to be on a sled and go down a hill. That little bit hurtful memory was a sunburn which he was interested in. The next day when he was with Fiona and she walked though the entrance doors something about her hair changed not the shape but the color. He was able to see the color red. I think that if I was Jonas this would be such and amazing experience and I would be so amazing by all this. Why would take away such beautiful colors?

Monday, April 11, 2016

Before Us

Jonas has arrived at the place where the Receiver is he meets him and they start talking. The Receiver starts talking about what kinds of things he will be showing Jonas, but Jonas doesn't understand what he's trying to say. The Receiver says "Things before me and you...before us". I think that this will be hard to take in for Jonas but once he starts seeing all this stuff he's gonna love it and it will be great. How will Jonas think of the memories from the past?

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Reciever Of Memory

It was almost Jonas turn to be called and assigned to his new job which he had no clue about. His number was Nineteen and Fiona's was Eighteen she was called as Care taker for the Old that was pretty obvious. Soon a few seconds Jonas would be called up and he felt the anxiety....a dew seconds passed they called number twenty. They skipped Jonas. At the very very end they called Jonas and gave him Receiver of Memory Jonas was puzzled. I think it would be awesome to be the Receiver of Memory because you get to learn about so many new things like the past however I would also be scared like how Jonas felt too. Will he be able to handle his assignment?

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Twelve Ceremony Mystery

Jonas had a...interesting dream..on where it made him take the pills. After that he couldn't remember that dream one bit. Lily's ceremony came where she became an Eighth and Jonas father was there for the Nurture part. His father had made sure that Gabe was able to stay one more year because he was uncertain. I think that Jonas is a little weird but everyone goes through that stage but I'm so anxious and what he's going to get for his assignment. Can you not get a assignment at all or does everyone get an assignment either way?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Life Before Releasing

Jonas was looking for Asher, he found Ashers bike and he saw Fiona's bike too. He liked her. Hewent into the Old care, to where Fiona and Asher were which was the bathing room. He saw Asher and Fiona and went to one of the Old, she was a woman and Jonas helped her get into the tub. She had started talking about the release of the recent Old, Roberto. Also how they told about the Olds life before they were release. It was a good talk. I think it's kind of funny how Jonas doesn't mind the feeling at all on if he saw someone are he was seen named it's weird but funny. Does he not need the privacy or does he just not get it?

Monday, April 4, 2016

Shared Feelings

Even a couple times Jonas father has broken a few rules, some not as important as the other and his mother who was a court and stuff didn't scold him yet was smiling too. I think that it's kind of cool that they are able to share ones feelings with the other without getting upset with each other but they can understand and help them, instead of the feelings being bottled up inside. How are they able to break the rules without being caught sometimes?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bad Things Go Uphill Good Things Go Downhill

Again from the same mom ( she talks about what other things that technology does to kids like, their imagination goes downhill, rude attitudes and arguing go uphill, listening goes downhill, not wanting to play with us goes uphill and not wanting to go ion the car if they don't bring their ipods with them. I think that this is insane how much kids are willing to do just to get to go on their ipods and ipads, like not wanting to go in the car unless you have that is insane. Who knows what will happen next.

Less Of That!

Today I read about a mom who was the author of this article (How Our No Technology Week Changes Our Kids she said she loved technology and all however it made her kids want the iPad more and made them argue more. She had enough of this technology. I think that I can agree with her point because me and brother used to get along pretty well until I stared going on my Ipod more and more we started having more arguments. However I didn't know it was because of that.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Late Night Calls With Grandma

It was late at night with a full moon chilly air, and I was in my room sitting on my bed. I decided to choose my grandma because I haven’t talked to her in months so I thought it would be good to talk to her again, since I hadn’t asked my interview questions to my grandma yet. So I decided to text her. “Hey grandma can I call you tonight and ask you the interview questions?” I texted her. Then she replied back “Yes you can certainly call me.” Before I called her I quickly jumped out of my bed and ran and got my notebook and pencils ready to go for her answers. I started calling  her and she picked up right away. “Hello?” I said and she quickly responded “Hi.” right after. Although it was just one simple word her voice had sounded very light and weak however it was very quick. She sounded so happy because she hasn’t heard from me in a while and she was so happy to hear my voice that she didn’t know what to say.

She was with a friend and she told me that they were in a elevator then the car because he was driving to Macy’s to go shopping. However she said “ I’d rather talk to you way more than shop.” which I thought was really sweet. Some of the reasons my grandma sounded weak was because she wasn’t doing too well. She barely eats and she’s pretty skinny for her age. Before I had asked my questions she always brought back the memories of when I was little and she was kind of lost in her memories of when I was little. I guess she kind of used words from back then but they are also from our time too she used slumber party which isn’t that old but we don’t really use in now and days. Also when I asked her the questions she didn’t give me too much details except for my last question so I had to say “more details please.” the whole time.

My first question was “What was your wildest adventure?” I said. She had to think about it for a little before she could answer my question. She had two wild adventures instead of one. Her first one was when she was 13 years old and she went to a Girl Scout Camp for three nights at Apple River Wisconsin. She told me her favorite part about it was that one of the nights there was a big campfire and she made smores for the first time ever! Her second wildest adventure was when she was a cheerleader. She said “I was so happy when they picked me to be a cheerleader!” and it made me happy cause she sounded very joyful about it. She also said “All the cheerleaders were screaming very loud at my school all the time.” and I wanted to ask why but I knew it would be for a really crazy reason anyway.

My second question was “What was your most embarrassing memory?” and I was really excited to to hear what she had to say cause embarrassing memories are always the best. She was describing how when she had a sleepover with some of her friends that the first one who fell asleep would get peanut butter on her but and...that was her. That would be really gross to wake up too. My next question was “When you were my age what was your best birthday party like?” I asked this one because it could give me an idea for a next birthday party maybe unless it’s way to crazy. Honestly I’ve never heard of this kind of party before though. She told me her dad bought her a black pony named Pony Rivers and she let all her friends ride on him. There was loud music in the background while the white cake with yellow frosting was sitting there on the table uneaten. Interesting party right?

My second to last question was “What is your favorite memory with friends?” At first she just told me going to the swimming pool but then she said “Sun tanning with my best friend.” She also told me about the Dibble Dabble Sticks Game. It’s where you eat popsicles. Then the you have the sticks after and someone throws one of them in the pool and then the people who are playing have to try to find the stick. Then the last thing is you have to dive down and try to be the first one to grab the stick. She told me that she was a pretty good swimmer and so she got to the stick first. My very last question was “What is your scariest moment?” Personally I didn’t have many scary moments so this was a good question to ask. She said it was when I was three years old and I was in karate, my grandma had forgot everything in her car. Her keys her bag and then me too and the car was locked so she couldn’t get to me.

“I was freaking out and called people to come get you out by breaking the window!” she screamed. I was three and I didn’t know what was going on and I didn’t know how to unlock the doors or anything, so I was kind of trapped. Luckily an old friend of my grandma went up to the window I was sitting next to, and she started pointing to the lock and telling me to open it. It’s good that I could at least understand words, so I opened the car door instead of having the window be broken.

It was really good to talk to my grandma, we had laughs and little “What…?” then she just laughed at each other. I’ve actually learned a lot from this conversation that I had with her, like to never forget about anything in the car especially the keys. Also to never fall asleep first or peanut butter will happen, except I’m usually not the one that falls asleep first anyway. What was really surprising to me was that for her 13th birthday she got a pony. Not like it's a bad thing or anything but a pony for a birthday present, it’s a little crazy. Overall though it was a really good talk with her. Also the next days, the days after I called her she called me two times a day. Little tiring but I guess there are more late night calls with grandma.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Light To Stop The Shadows

Something was following Olive and she didn't like it, but she found out that is was just the three cats. Knowing that darkness hates light Olive should use light to stop the darkness because she will finally set free Morton and all the others. Although darkness is all around them I assume that they will find McMartin soon.

Escaping The Wild Forest

As Morton jumps out of the painting Olive jumps right after him, but Annabelle ends up grabbing her shoe and stopping her from fully getting through. When the branches started choking Olive it was pretty scary because who know if she was actually gonna die or not. Since Olive and Morton made it out of the painting then I think they will find the cats and find a way to stop Annabelle and her grandfather.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Animal Fight!

The three cats attacked Annabelle with all their might trying to stop her, but it failed when she called the once happy and friendly dog that came out fierce and scary. When the three cats charged at Annabelle Olive wanted to join the fight because the wanted to try to stop Annabelle from getting Morton. Since this time Annabelle actually brought Olive into the painting that Morton was in I think that they will find Morton and Olive will try with all her might to keep Annabelle away from him.

The Real Story

Horatio and Harvey weren't witches, but they helped served the witches. Although Horatio and Harvey are kind of suspicious and they helped out the witches, that Olive can still trust them. Since Horatio Harvey and Olive are talking how Annabelle might want Morton or his blood I think they will go in the painting that he is in and save him.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Trust Broken??

Olive just let Annabelle out of her painting and now they are wondering around the house and Annabelle says that her necklace is in the painting with the big lake in it so they go in the painting. I kinda knew that Annabelle was weird and couldn't really trust her but Olive made the choice too. What I think will happen next is Horatio and Olive might find Annabelle somewhere but I'm not sure what from then.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Frienship and Trust

Olive has gone to Annabelle (a woman inside a painting) because she knows she can trust here and maybe to even stay the night with her but Annabelle has lost a necklace that she loves and wants to go out of the painting and find it so Olive lets her out. My opinion is that I don't really trust Annabelle and letting her out because you never know what she could be hiding. What I think will happen next is that Annabelle might find out that Olive has her necklace but not get mad at her for wearing it but I'm not fully sure yet.

The Truth?

In the book...The Book of Elsewhere by Jacqueline West, Olive has been figuring out many different new things but she doesn't know for sure to believe them or not. Olive goes back into the Linden Street painting and goes to see Morton to talk to him, but ends up fighting with him again....but this time the people in the other houses come out and talk to Olive about the cats and the man who put them there. I think that Olive needs to talk to the cats to either find out the truth or maybe bribe them or something like that because if she doesn't she won't be closer to finding out the truth. What I think will happen next is that she might talk to the cats because when a scene like this happens, usually the next part is having to face those people.