Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Exploring The Other Paintings

In the book The Book Of Elsewhere Olivia is currently left at home alone again and now is exploring the other paintings around the house. With the spectacles that she has she can actually see the paintings moving! What I mean is that the people and trees or houses inside the paintings, they come to life. Some of the paintings were a woman dipping her toes into the bathtub, a woman and man enjoying lunch at a french street cafe, three girls talking and they wore something that Morton wore. Olivia jumped in the painting to ask if they new anything about Morton and the bad man. However all they did is shove her out off the painting. The last painting she explored was three men building a wall, Olivia was a little bit afraid of the men but went into the painting anyway. They way the three man acted made Olivia less scared about them, they talked about the bad man and about the basement and how there was something in there. Olivia hated the basement however might go explore it anyway.

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